Saturday, March 20, 2010

A penny for a Happy thought !!

When I woke up today, it was another of those drowsy Saturday mornings. Its just one of those days when you keep peeping at the watch from the corner of one of your barely open eyes and when its not late enough, you tell yourself to go back to sleep again. You know you have to get up eventually, but you try to prolong that eventuality, especially when you have nothing else in mind to do that day.

Today was no different. Finally, I got up to remove the drowsiness, got ready and went out for a walk (and buy some stuff). Suddenly, I realized I was feeling happy. I am not sure what made me feel so but it was quite a satisfying feeling. Was it the sun glaring brightly after a gloomy day of snow blizzard? Was it the sound of the melting snow, forming little streams everywhere? Was it the smell of the fresh morning (or should I say afternoon)? Was it the joy of watching trees, with some help from the wind, spraying snow on people passing by? Whatever the reason was, I felt content. My mind was clear, with no worries, no regrets.

That "Happy thought" stayed with me for some more time, before my mind got occupied with other tasks and I got busy in my daily chores. But what do we have to do to hold onto that thought? What do we have to do to go back to that "Happy corner" of our mind? Do we have to let go of all the "unnecessaties" and strip down to the bare essentials, the essentials that define us?

I would certainly pay more than a penny to hold on to that Happy thought. :)


  1. Lovely thought...infact it does happen to a lot of us am sure, to me during those rain showers...ill not mind giving every penny ill have, to have these happy thoughts with me forever...

  2. "happy corner" everyone has felt it one way or other,..after reading this relived some moments again :)

  3. Beautiful and so true !!!

  4. How true it is, that in this mechanical life of ours ..holding on to a thought or a moment is as brief as the moment itself ! Our transient mind never stops on one thought though it was worth more than a million penny !
